Property Description
Interested in this listing or have any questions? Please contact using info below:
Lot 2/PM 129 Parish of Kariboe.
1,514.334 Hectares (3,742 acres) Freehold with PMAV.
1860 Kariboe Road Cania via Monto Qld 4630.
Approximately 55km from Biloela and 50 km from Monto.
All weather Gravel Road.
Undulating to steeper forest country originally timbered with broadleaf and narrow leaf ironbark, bloodwood, currajong, and blue gum along the creeks.
Approximately 2,000 acres has previously been pulled and the majority stick raked and seeded with seca stylo and buffel. This area is now in need of some sucker control.
“Kariboe” is watered by 3 bores, 2 wells, 10 dams and permanent holes in Middle and Kariboe creeks.
The property is very well fenced into 2 main paddocks and a small holding paddock originally timbered with softwood. Fencing is mainly wooden ironbark posts with 4 barbed wires and small amount of steel post and 4 barbed wires.
The main cattle yard is well constructed of both timber and steel and incorporates an operating plunge dip. The second trucking yards are of older timber construction.
Other Improvements
Old mustering hut close by to the main cattle yards
Agents Comments:
The Vendors have consistently run 500 – 550 steers and heifers to feeder weight. However this is good strong breeder country that would suit an absentee owner.
” The above information has been supplied to us by the Vendor. We do not accept responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass this information on. Interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.”
Lot 2/PM 129 Parish of Kariboe.
1,514.334 Hectares (3,742 acres) Freehold with PMAV.
1860 Kariboe Road Cania via Monto Qld 4630.
Approximately 55km from Biloela and 50 km from Monto.
All weather Gravel Road.
Undulating to steeper forest country originally timbered with broadleaf and narrow leaf ironbark, bloodwood, currajong, and blue gum along the creeks.
Approximately 2,000 acres has previously been pulled and the majority stick raked and seeded with seca stylo and buffel. This area is now in need of some sucker control.
“Kariboe” is watered by 3 bores, 2 wells, 10 dams and permanent holes in Middle and Kariboe creeks.
The property is very well fenced into 2 main paddocks and a small holding paddock originally timbered with softwood. Fencing is mainly wooden ironbark posts with 4 barbed wires and small amount of steel post and 4 barbed wires.
The main cattle yard is well constructed of both timber and steel and incorporates an operating plunge dip. The second trucking yards are of older timber construction.
Other Improvements
Old mustering hut close by to the main cattle yards
Agents Comments:
The Vendors have consistently run 500 – 550 steers and heifers to feeder weight. However this is good strong breeder country that would suit an absentee owner.
” The above information has been supplied to us by the Vendor. We do not accept responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass this information on. Interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.”