Cattle Description
Romangus Bulls for Sale
- Paddock condition 2 year old Romagnola full blood bulls as well as paddock condition 2 year old Romagnola/Angus bulls (Romangus)
- The Romangus bulls have been bred out of purebred and full blood Romagnola cows and are by Angus bulls from ”Millah Murrah” in Bathurst, N.S.W. and ”Booroomooka”, in Bingera, N.S.W.
- All bulls were selected on EBV’s with low birth weight and good 200, 400 and 600 day growth weights.
- These bulls are extremely hardy compared to a pure Angus bull.
- The extra scale, weight, mobility and hardiness from the Romangus could be an opportunity for people breeding weaner or feeder cattle to breed a flatback that is keenly sought after by Feedlotters and grass finishers.
Located Rolleston, Queensland
Please contact – Alex Dodson: 0437 837 520
Romangus Bulls for Sale
- Paddock condition 2 year old Romagnola full blood bulls as well as paddock condition 2 year old Romagnola/Angus bulls (Romangus)
- The Romangus bulls have been bred out of purebred and full blood Romagnola cows and are by Angus bulls from ”Millah Murrah” in Bathurst, N.S.W. and ”Booroomooka”, in Bingera, N.S.W.
- All bulls were selected on EBV’s with low birth weight and good 200, 400 and 600 day growth weights.
- These bulls are extremely hardy compared to a pure Angus bull.
- The extra scale, weight, mobility and hardiness from the Romangus could be an opportunity for people breeding weaner or feeder cattle to breed a flatback that is keenly sought after by Feedlotters and grass finishers.
Located Rolleston, Queensland